About Me_
Local white wine and loud music feature strongly as I paint with particular inspiration from Pink Floyd, Eminem, Neil Young and, of course, The Stones
I was born in Twickenham in the 1950s and moved to rural Kent with my family in 1958. I had a largely uneventful but very sporty childhood. As my love for all sports grew, I represented my school in hockey and cricket.
My darling wife Anne and I married in 1974. I was an insurance broker from 1972 until retirement in 2008. In November 2013, Anne and I moved to Cyprus, and in retrospect, it was a marvellous decision.
I have a boat berthed in Latchi and love to visit the blue lagoon out of season when often I find that I am the only boat in the bay. The way the sea, sands, and sea breezes interact has inspired and will continue to inspire many of my paintings.